Monday, August 31, 2020

WATCH: Small child, 3, launched into the air in terrifying kite festival accident

A 3-year-old girl was thrown meters into the air and ragdolled by strong gusts of wind in a horrifying incident at a festival in Taiwan.

The girl was launched high into the air after she became entangled in the strings of a kite as it was released during a festival on a particularly blustery Sunday afternoon. 

Eyewitness video captured the terrifying scene as gobsmacked bystanders quickly gathered to try and cushion the poor girl's fall.

She was airborne for about 30 seconds before festival staff managed to tame the kite long enough to bring the girl back down to Earth in the seaside town of Nanlioao, outside the city of Hsinchu, south of the capital, Taipei.

Wind speeds of 32 to 38 miles per hour (50 to 61 kilometers per hour) were recorded at the site of the kite festival, just below gale force. 

The girl was reportedly rushed to hospital as a precaution but thankfully only suffered minor injuries with abrasions to her face and neck. Apart from the minor bumps, bruises and scrapes, the girl was physically unscathed, though may be wary of kites for some time.

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Hsinchu Mayor Lin Chih-chien issued a public apology for the incident and has suspended the festival pending an investigation into the circumstances of the accident. 

“The city government team offers its sincere apology to the victim and the public. We will review the incident to avoid such an accident from happening again. We will also investigate responsibility and conduct an in-depth review,” Chih-chien said. 

The kite was reportedly supposed to scatter candies from the sky for children to catch below.

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