Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Punjab CM’s protocol officer passes away from Coronavirus

Punjab CM’s protocol officer passes away from Coronavirus
A protocol officer of Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar died of the novel coronavirus (Covid-19), citing sources.

Hamid Raza had been under treatment at the Pakistan Kidney and Liver Institute (PKLI) since he contracted the deadly disease, sources at the medical facility said.

They said his kidneys stopped functioning due to the infection.

Expressing sadness over the demise of his protocol officer, the chief minister extended condolences to the bereaved family. “Hamid Raza was a hard-working, dutiful and professional officer. He discharged his duties sincerely,” CM Buzdar said.

According to the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC), COVID-19 claimed 98 more lives across the country over the past 24 hours, taking the death toll to 14,530.

As many as 4,974 new cases of Covid-19 surfaced when 50,055 tests were conducted.


Corona claims 98 more lives, 4,974 fresh infections reported in pakistan

Corona claims 98 more lives, 4,974 fresh infections reported in pakistan
Coronavirus has claimed 98 more lives in Pakistan during the past 24 hours, taking the overall death toll to 14,530, on Thursday.

The latest statistics of the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) showed the COVID-19 has claimed 98 more lives and 4,974 fresh infections were reported during the period.

During the period of a day, the total count of active cases was recorded at 53,127 and the positivity rate stood at 9.93 per cent.

The health facilities across the country conducted 50,055 coronavirus detection tests, taking the total number of COVID-19 tests to 10,247,374 since the first case was reported.

According to the statistics, 106 patients were declared critical, adding to the total number of patients suffering from sensitive health condition up to 3,303.

Overall 605,274 people have recovered from the virus including 2,148 who have regained their health from COVID-19 during the past 24 hours.


WHO chief's call for further probe of lab leak theory puts pressure on China

WHO chief Teodros Ghebreyesus
Even though a team of experts has dismissed the lab leak theory behind COVID-19, Who chief calls for further investigation on the issue has put China under pressure over the investigation into the origins of coronavirus.

A report by WHO and Chinese experts released on Tuesday had judged the lab-leak hypothesis highly unlikely, saying the virus behind COVID-19 had probably jumped from bats to humans via an intermediary animal.

China warmly welcomed the report, seeing it as confirmation of its handling of the investigation following allegations it had tried to delay and then restrict it.

The report also initially appeared to back China's firm rejection of theories that the pandemic may have been triggered by a leak from a virology lab in Wuhan, the central Chinese city where the virus first emerged.

But WHO chief Teodros Ghebreyesus on Tuesday reopened the lab leak theory, as he raised concerns about the level of access China provided to the experts during their visit to Wuhan in January.

"In my discussions with the team, they expressed the difficulties they encountered in accessing raw data," Tedros said.

He called for "timely and comprehensive data sharing" in future investigations.

Tedros also said that although the experts concluded the laboratory leak was the "least likely" hypotheses, this theory needed to be probed further.

"I do not believe that this assessment was extensive enough," Teodros said of the possibility of a leak.

"This requires further investigation, potentially with additional missions involving specialist experts, which I am ready to deploy."

Tedros then emphasised that no theory had yet been ruled out.

"Let me say clearly that as far as WHO is concerned all hypotheses remain on the table," he said.

The pandemic has killed nearly 2.8 million people worldwide since it first emerged in Wuhan in late 2019.

Throughout the pandemic, China has amplified theories that the virus may have surfaced outside of its borders or been imported on frozen food.

China was heavily criticised by the Donald Trump administration and other Western nations for delaying access to the WHO experts.

Joe Biden's administration has continued to raise concerns about China's handling of the probe.

The United States on Tuesday released a statement with 13 of its allies — Britain, Japan and Australia among them — saying the inquiry lacked the data and samples it needed.

"We join in expressing shared concerns regarding the recent WHO-convened study in China," the statement said.

Beijing insists it was transparent with the scientists.

It said it provided open access to wet markets, labs, patients and data from the first torrid weeks of the virus, admonishing critics for "politicising" a global health crisis.

Health officials in Beijing are due to give a press conference on the WHO report on Wednesday afternoon.

The reason for the diverging information from the WHO expert team was not immediately clear.

On the laboratory accident hypothesis, the head of the investigation team, Danish scientist Ben Embarek told reporters on Tuesday that Chinese lab staff had acknowledged they initially feared a leak.

"Even the staff in these labs told us that was their first reaction," Embarek said.

"They all went back to their records... but nobody could find any trace of something similar to this virus in their records or their samples.

"Nobody has been able to pick up any firm arguments or proof or evidence that any of these labs would have been involved in a lab leak accident."

That said, Embarek added: "We haven't done a full investigation or audit of any of the labs."

Other WHO team members took to Twitter to defend the probe.

Peter Daszak, who was effusive in praise of his Chinese hosts during the January probe, hit out at the "pure politics" being played with the findings led by elements of the media.


Govt will reduce petrol and diesel prices: Hammad

Federal Finance Minister Hammad Azhar
Federal Finance Minister Hammad Azhar announced Wednesday the government's decision to decrease the prices of petrol and diesel.

"This decision is not related to the ECC [meeting that took place] but the first decision we have taken, after consultations with the prime minister, we will reduce the prices of petrol and diesel," said Hammad Azhar during a news conference.

"The price of petrol will be slashed by Rs1.5 per litre while the price of diesel will be slashed by Rs3 per litre. We took this decision because now, we have some room due to a change in prices at the international market," he said.

The minister spoke about the high prices of sugar in Pakistan, saying the government had allowed sugar to be imported from other countries, however, the price of the commodity in other countries was also high.

"However, in our neighbouring country India, the price of sugar is quite cheap," he said. "Hence, we have decided to resume sugar trade with India".

He said the measure would help bring down sugar prices in Pakistan and will provide relief to the poor.

Azhar said the demand for cotton in Pakistan was also increasing with the passing time and the country needed the product in a large amount. He said Pakistan had not produced quality cotton last year hence it had given the green signal for the product to be imported from other countries around the globe.

"However, the import of cotton from India was banned and this had a direct effect on our SMEs," he said. "However, at the recommendation of the Ministry of Commerce, we have also decided to resume the trade of cotton with India," he said.

Azhar said the incumbent government had brought about a positive change when it comes to the country's reserves in the State Bank of Pakistan.

"We made the State Bank of Pakistan autonomous," he said. "Our currency today is standing on its own feet, we are not adding dollars to it."

He said the government had received the $500mn tranche from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) adding that the amount would be a "healthy addition" to the country's reserves.

The finance minister said he had been elected by the masses and was answerable to them. He said the government's policies will be on the basis of the welfare of the people.

"Often, the correct decisions are the correct ones," he said.

In response to a question about the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), Azhar said Pakistan was trying its best to comply with the anti-money laundering and terror financing watchdog's requirements.

"We will move forward with the utmost hard work. I won't like to comment further on this matter," he said.

Answering a question about the State Bank bill, Azhar said the government will present it to the Parliament for debate and will ensure all stakeholders are heard on the matter.

"The Parliament is sovereign, no other institution in the country is sovereign," he said, adding that if the government felt there is a need to revise the bill, it would "with an open mind and an open heart".

Azhar said the government had a lot of respect for former finance minister Dr Abdul Hafeez Sheikh, adding that the economy had been stabilised during his tenure.

"Our current account deficit turned to a surplus during his tenure and our foreign exchange reserves grew substantially as well," he said. "All of these things are on record and no one can deny them."

However, the minister said it was the prime minister's prerogative to "select and change his team".

"The prime minister changed me twice and handed me other portfolios before I assumed charge of this one," he said. "I will seek his [Dr Abdul Hafeez Shaikh's] guidance during my tenure as well."

Azhar said the government will try to improve its performance and ensure it does not repeat mistakes of the past. "We will try to turn our weaknesses into our strengths but that does not mean we were making only mistakes in the past," he said.

New petrol prices

Later in the day, the Finance Division issued new rates for petroleum products, where it reduced Rs1.55 for petrol.



PM Imran Khan rejects Sindh govt's 'complete lockdown' suggestion

PM Imran Khan
Prime Minister Imran Khan on Wednesday rejected the Sindh government's recommendation to impose a "complete lockdown" across the country for two weeks.

Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah had earlier said the government should impose a "complete lockdown" across the country for two weeks to stem the spread of the virus.

Reacting to his comments, the prime minister said Pakistan cannot afford a complete lockdown, adding that the measure would adversely impact daily wage earners across the country.

He said, for the time being, the government will impose smart lockdowns across the country, adding that it was imperative to exercise even more caution during the third wave of the coronavirus.

CM Murad had earlier said that a complete lockdown is needed in Pakistan to get a grip on the third wave of coronavirus.

“Do a lockdown or don’t do it, smart lockdown is nothing,” the chief minister had said while speaking to media in Islamabad.

The Sindh chief minister had told reporters that his government believes the centre should ban inter-city transport for two weeks as well. He added that the third wave of the coronavirus pandemic was “dangerous”.

“I have antibodies yet I am still afraid of corona[virus],” CM Murad had said, highlighting how dangerous the coronavirus infection is.

He had also slammed the ongoing countrywide vaccination policy, saying the government had failed to procure the vaccine and was instead relying on donations from China.

CM Murad's statement came as Pakistan reported 4,757 cases and 78 deaths due to the coronavirus in the last 24 hours.

As per the NCOC, 43,965 tests were conducted across Pakistan out of which 4,757 were positive making the positivity ratio 10.8%.

Meanwhile, the national tally of positive cases has climbed to 667,957, with Sindh leading in the most number of cases with 265,433. Punjab has reported 220,392 cases, 87,055 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 57,833 in Islamabad, 19,557 in Balochistan, 12,663 in Azad Jammu and Kashmir and 5,024 in Gilgit Baltistan.

A week earlier, Planning Minister Asad Umar had categorically rejected any prospects of a "complete lockdown" being imposed across the country, saying the government will not undertake the move in a bid to protect people's livelihoods.

"Complete lockdown is not the solution," the minister had said. "We tried to explain that to people during the first wave [of the coronavirus] but they did not understand. You cannot shut down the entire country and steal people's livelihoods," he added.

Umar, however, had hinted at "targeted interventions", saying that the government tries to take steps that would not affect people's livelihoods.

The minister had said the NCOC had identified coronavirus hotspot areas to provincial governments. He had said the implementation of these smart lockdowns were not satisfactory.


Shaukat Tareen likely to be made PM Imran Khan's aide on finance: sources

Pakistani banker and former finance minister Shaukat Tareen
Pakistani banker and former finance minister Shaukat Tareen is likely to be made Prime Minister Imran Khan's aide on finance and revenue.

According to the sources, Tareen — who attends important meetings of PM Imran Khan's finance and economic team — would likely be appointed special assistant to the premier or his finance adviser.

However, the final decision on whether he would be appointed as a special assistant or adviser would be made by the premier himself, the sources added.

On the other hand, top officials of the PTI regime have contacted Tareen, who said he "is ready to directly work with" the government but has asked for 15-20 days' time to "deal with something he's busy in", the sources added.

One recommendation, according to the sources, is that Tareen could work with Hammad Azhar — who was given the portfolio of finance ministry a day earlier in addition to serving as the federal minister for industries and production — on technical and policy matters.

The sources also said it was recommended to have Tareen contest the Senate election as well.

Azhar was appointed as the new finance minister on Tuesday, the Cabinet division confirmed through a notification, in addition to his portfolio of the ministry of industries and production.

PM Imran Khan had conveyed to former finance minister Abdul Hafeez Shaikh to step down from his role, with Azhar saying he was "honoured to be entrusted with the additional charge".

The development had come after PPP leader and former prime minister Yousaf Raza Gillani defeated Shaikh for the Islamabad general seat in Senate elections 2021.


FIA files case against Jahangir Tareen in sugar scam, money laundering

FIA files case against Jahangir Tareen in sugar scam, money laundering
The Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) has filed two FIRs against Jahangir Tareen and two other family members in sugar scandal and money laundering charges, on Wednesday.

FIA Lahore registered cases against CEO of JWD Sugar Mills, Jahangir Tareen, his son Ali Tareen and son-in-law in the sugar scam.
“Over three billion rupees money laundering made by showing investment in a closed factory,” according to the FIR.

The investigation agency has also charged Tareen and others for illegal hoarding of sugar, misappropriation and cheating in the FIR.

CEO of JWD Sugar Mills in an act of forgery transferred 3.14 billion rupees to a closed company, the FIR read.

“In year 2011-12 over three billion rupees were transferred to Farooqi Pulp Milk Ltd,” according to the case. In year 2011-12 Tareen and family members also purchased dollars from the open market. His nominees transferred over seven million dollars to overseas for purchase of properties,” according to the FIR.

The FIA in another FIR charged that Amir Waris, a confidante of Tareen, made illegal transactions from the company accounts and drawn over two billion rupees. Waris illegally deposited the amount in personal accounts of Jahangir Tareen and his family members.

“During the inquiry a fake account was also found, which was used for around six billion rupees illegal transactions,” FIR read. “The fake account was used for transactions in accounts of various companies of Jahangir Tareen.”

“The probe found that the company’s chief Rana Naseem acted as main aide and made over 600 million rupees transactions from JWD’s accounts”.

Rana Naseem has claimed that the transactions were made for payment of salaries and bonuses, while the company was in deficit for last five years, according to the FIR.

The FIA has charged in the FIR that Jahangir Tareen, Amir Waris and Rana Naseem have been involved in money laundering.

It is to be mentioned here that the FIA Lahore office had summoned the representatives of sugar mills’ managements from March 31 (today) and directed them to bring relevant records of sugar stocks sold through the betting mafia from November 2020.

The sugar mills have also been directed to produce the record of sugar stocks that were declared sold before the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) from November 1, 2020, as well as providing details of all corporate and ostensible bank accounts owned by the sugar mills. The records of all TTs (telegraphic transfers) were also demanded from the mills.

The agency had also issued call-up notice to JWD Sugar Mills of Jahangir Tareen on April 2.

Earlier on March 24, it emerged that the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) had formed 20 teams to launch a massive crackdown under the anti-money laundering law against the sugar mafia.


Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Corona claims 78 more lives in Pakistan during the past 24 hour

Corona claims 78 more lives in Pakistan during the past 24 hour
Coronavirus has claimed 78 more lives in Pakistan during the past 24 hours, taking the overall death toll to 14,434, reported on Wednesday.

The latest statistics of the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) showed the COVID-19 has claimed 78 more lives and 4,757 fresh infections were reported during the period.

During the period of a day, the total count of active cases was recorded at 50,397.

The health facilities across the country conducted 43,965 coronavirus detection tests, taking the total number of COVID-19 tests to 10,197,329 since the first case was reported.

According to the statistics, 27 patients were declared critical, adding to the total number of patients suffering from sensitive health condition up to 3,197.

Overall 603,126 people have recovered from the virus including 2,848 who have regained their health from COVID-19 during the past 24 hours.


VW confirms it will rebrand US unit as ‘Voltswagen’

VW confirms it will rebrand US unit as ‘Voltswagen’
German automaker Volkswagen’s US unit confirmed Tuesday it will rename its US operations as “Voltswagen of America” as it shifts its focus to electric vehicles.

The revised name takes effect in May and the announcement came after several outlets on Monday reported on a draft release mistakenly posted on the automaker’s US website.

“We might be changing out our K for a T, but what we aren’t changing is this brand’s commitment to making best-in-class vehicles for drivers and people everywhere,” said Scott Keogh, president and CEO of Voltswagen of America in a statement.

The German automaker has committed to sell one million EVs worldwide by 2025.

The traditional VW Dark Blue color logo will remain for gas-powered vehicles and it will use a new light blue logo for electric vehicles. The company will use “Voltswagen” as an exterior badge on all EV models and gas vehicles will only have the VW emblem.

The name change will not impact other VW brands like Audi, Porsche or Bentley.

VW says new exterior and interior signs will soon appear on all U.S. properties and dealerships.

Volkswagen in 2015 admitted using illegal software to rig diesel engine tests in the United States, sparking Germany’s biggest corporate crisis and costing the carmaker more than 32 billion euros ($38 billion) in fines, refits and legal costs.

The German automaker, which has operated in the United States since 1955, said on Twitter: “We know, 66, is a unusual age to change your name, but we’ve always been young at heart.”

The world’s second-largest carmaker expects to double electric vehicle deliveries and boost profits for its core brand this year after stepping up its switch to fully electric vehicles.

The Volkswagen brand aims to invest 16 billion euros ($19 billion) in electrification and digitalisation by 2025.


Xiaomi to invest $10 billion in new electric car unit

Xiaomi to invest $10 billion in new electric car unit
Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi has formally entered the automotive industry with a new smart electric vehicle (EV) business, the company announced on Tuesday in a filing.

The firm will initially invest 10 billion yuan ($1.52 billion) in the wholly-owned subsidiary, with a total investment goal of $10 billion over the next ten years.

Xiaomi CEO Lei Jun will also serve as CEO of the smart electric vehicle unit, the company added.

The company’s move into the EV industry follows similar steps by other tech giants, both in China and overseas.

In January, Chinese search giant Baidu Inc announced it would develop an EV unit via a partnership with domestic car maker Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd.

In February, Reuters reported that beleaguered Chinese smartphone giant Huawei Technologies Co Ltd is currently in talks with state-owned automaker Changan Automobile and other companies to manufacture EVs.

Apple has also long been planning an entry into the EV market, according to reports.

Last week Reuters reported exclusively that Xiaomi was in talks to partner with Chinese automaker Great Wall Motor Co for help in manufacturing EVs.

Xiaomi declined to comment on the report, while Great Wall said in an exchange filing that it had not discussed such a partnership with Xiaomi.


Pakistan to import Chinese Cansino vaccine in bulk to package 3m doses locally: Asad

Minister for Planning and Development Asad Umar
Pakistan will import Chinese Cansino Biologics Covid-19 vaccines in bulk to package three million doses locally, Minister for Planning and Development Asad Umar said on Tuesday.

"We will be getting the bulk vaccine by mid-April from Cansino, from which 3 million doses can be made," Umar said on Twitter.

"The bulk vaccine received will be formulated, sterilised and packed in Pakistan. For this purpose special equipment has been procured and manpower is being trained," he said.

Meanwhile, the first batch of 60,000 doses of the vaccine is arriving today, he said.

Cansino's vaccine is one of the four approved by the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (Drap), the other three being China's Sinopharm, Russia's Sputnik-V and the Oxford University-AstraZeneca vaccine.

The company had last month released the interim efficacy results of a multi-country trial, which included Pakistan, showing 65.7 per cent efficacy in preventing symptomatic coronavirus cases and a 90.98pc success rate in stopping severe infections.

In the Pakistani subset, the efficacy of the vaccine at preventing symptomatic cases was 74.8pc and 100pc at preventing severe disease.

Pakistan also expects to receive one million doses of Sinopharm vaccine in a couple of days.


Myanmar protesters launch 'garbage strike' as death toll tops 500

Myanmar protesters launch 'garbage strike
Rubbish piled up on the streets of Myanmar’s main city on Tuesday after activists launched a “garbage strike” to oppose military rule as the toll of pro-democracy protesters killed by the security forces since a Feb. 1 coup rose to more than 500.

Security forces shot and killed one man in the southernmost town of Kawthaung as they cleared the streets, the Mizzima news portal reported, and one person was killed in the northern town of Myitkyina, a relative of the 23-year-old victim told Reuters.

Police and a junta spokesman did not answer calls seeking comment.

Myanmar has been in turmoil since the army ousted an elected government led by Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, re-imposing military rule after a decade of tentative steps towards democracy.

At least 512 civilians have been killed in nearly two months of protests against the coup, 141 of them on Saturday, the bloodiest day of the unrest, according to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) advocacy group.

Alongside the protests, a civil disobedience campaign of strikes has paralysed large parts of the economy. In a new tactic, protesters sought to step up the campaign by asking residents to leave garbage at intersections in the main city of Yangon.

“This garbage strike is a strike to oppose the junta,” read a poster on social media. “Everyone can join.”

Pictures posted on social media showed piles of rubbish building up.

Thousands of protesters came out to march in several other towns across the country on Tuesday, according to media and photos on social media.

On Monday, 14 civilians were killed, including at least eight in Yangon’s South Dagon neighbourhood, the AAPP said.

Security forces there fired a heavier calibre weapon than usual towards protesters crouching behind a barricade of sand bags, witnesses said. It was not immediately clear what weapon it was but it was believed to be some type of grenade launcher.

State television said security forces used “riot weapons” to disperse a crowd of “violent terrorist people” who were destroying a pavement and one man was wounded.

A South Dagon resident said on Tuesday there had been no pause in the crackdown.

“There was shooting all night,” said the resident, who declined to be identified.

Residents found a badly burned body in the morning, the witness said, adding it was not known what had happened to the person and the military took the body away.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres urged Myanmar’s generals to stop the killings and repression of demonstrations.




Pakistani people also desire peaceful relations with all neighbours including India: PM Imran

Prime Minister Imran Khan and his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi
Prime Minister Imran Khan has responded to his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi's Pakistan Day message, telling him that the Pakistani people "also desire peaceful, cooperative relations with all neighbours, including India", it emerged on Tuesday.

The premier wrote this in a letter to the Indian leader, a week after Modi told Imran in a message that his country, being a neighbour, desired cordial relations with the Pakistani people.

"I thank you for your letter conveying greetings on Pakistan Day. The people of Pakistan commemorate this Day by paying tribute to the wisdom and foresight of our founding fathers in envisioning an independent, sovereign state where they could live in freedom and realise their full potential," Prime Minister Imran wrote in the letter, dated March 29, the Foreign Office confirmed.

"The people of Pakistan also desire peaceful, cooperative relations with all neighbours, including India," he added.

The prime minister said Pakistan was convinced that "durable peace and stability in South Asia is contingent upon resolving all outstanding issues between India and Pakistan, in particular the Jammu & Kashmir dispute".

"Creation of an enabling environment is imperative for a constructive and result-oriented dialogue," Imran emphasised.

In his letter, the premier also conveyed best wishes for the Indian people in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic.

"Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration," he concluded.

Prime Minister Modi in his letter had stated that "an environment of trust, devoid of terror and hostility" was imperative for friendly relations between the two countries.

The Indian premier had also conveyed wishes to Imran and the Pakistani people for dealing with the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic, terming it a "difficult time for humanity".

The development had come days after Prime Minister Imran said India would have to make the first move to normalise ties with Pakistan.

“We are trying, but India would have to take the first step and unless it does that we cannot move ahead,” the premier said while inaugurating the first edition of the Islamabad Security Dialogue.

The perpetually tense relations between the two countries, which have fought three wars, besides engaging in several episodes of limited conflict, suffered a breakdown after India illegally annexed occupied Jammu and Kashmir on August 5, 2019.

However, the two countries sprung a surprise last month by announcing the resumption of ceasefire at the Line of Control (LoC) after a ‘hotline contact’ between the directors general of military operations of the two countries. Many believe that agreement was made possible through a backchannel, although Pakistani officials strongly deny it.

No violation has since then been reported at the LoC and importantly there has been a visible reduction in rhetoric from both sides.

In his speech at the Islamabad dialogue, Prime Minister Imran said the Kashmir issue was the lone irritant standing in the way of better relations between Pakistan and India.

While addressing the same event, Army Chief Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa too stressed the need to resolve the Kashmir dispute through peaceful means, saying: "We feel it is time to bury the past and move forward."


Consensus is the only solution to the Afghan conflict : FM Qureshi

Consensus is the only solution to the Afghan conflict : FM Qureshi
Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi said on Tuesday the world is aware of Pakistan’s efforts for peace.

Talking to the media on the sidelines of the 9th Ministerial Conference of the Heart of Asia – Istanbul Process, Qureshi said there is a consensus that the only solution to the Afghan conflict is a comprehensive dialogue.
He said the world is seconding Pakistan’s stance on the Afghan issue, realising that there is no military solution to it.

Qureshi said he met his Turkish counterpart the other day and during the meeting, the Afghan peace process came under discussion. He added he will be meeting with the Afghan counterpart today.


Another reshuffle in the federal cabinet, Tabish Gauhar given charge of petroleum ministry

Another reshuffle in the federal cabinet, Tabish Gauhar given charge of petroleum ministry
In another reshuffle in the federal cabinet, Prime Minister Imran Khan Tuesday gave the additional portfolio of petroleum ministry to his special assistant on power Tabish Gauhar.

The Cabinet Division has issued a notification removing Nadeem Babar as SAPM on Petroleum and giving the additional charge of the ministry to Tabish Gauhar.
The latest reshuffle follows on the heels of yesterday’s decision of the prime minister to remove Finance Minister Dr Abdul Hafeez Shaikh and gave the portfolio to Minister for Industries Hammad Azhar as an additional charge.

Another shakeup in the federal cabinet is likely to take place in a day or two.

On March 26, SAPM Nadeem Babar resigned from his post after the premier asked him to leave his post over his alleged role in the fuel crisis during June 2020 in the country.


Monday, March 29, 2021

Pakistan records 4,084 fresh corona cases in last 24 hrs

Pakistan records 4,084 fresh corona cases in last 24 hrs
Pakistan has recorded a steep rise in COVID-19 infections and mortalities as 100 more patients have died of coronavirus during the past 24 hours and 4,084 new cases were recorded, reported on Tuesday.

The latest statistics of the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) showed the COVID-19 has claimed 100 more lives and 4,084 fresh infections were reported during the period.

During the period of a day, the total count of active cases was recorded at 48,566 and the positivity rate stood at 8.82 per cent.

The health facilities across the country conducted 46,269 coronavirus detection tests, taking the total number of COVID-19 tests to 10,153,364 since the first case was reported.

According to the statistics, 115 patients were declared critical, adding to the total number of patients suffering from sensitive health condition up to 3,170.
Overall 600,278 people have recovered from the virus including 2,081 who have regained their health from COVID-19 during the past 24 hours.

Read: Punjab announces ‘effective’ lockdown in districts with over 12% Covid positivity rate

Yesterday, President Arif Alvi and Defence Minister Pervez Khattak had tested positive for COVID-19, days after the former got the first dose of the anti-COVID jab.

On March 20, Prime Minister Imran Khan had also tested positive for the infection. However, SAPM Dr Faisal Sultan said that PM Imran Khan has made a steady recovery from COVID-19 and has been advised that he could resume his work.

Keeping in view the rising number of COVID-19 cases amid the third wave of the disease, the National Command and Operations Center (NCOC) head and Federal Minister for Planning Asad Umar had asked the provinces on Monday to ensure strict compliance of the Covid-related SOPs.

In a letter to the provinces, Asad Umar had underscored the need for joint efforts to stem the spread of the pandemic. He asked the provinces to take effective measures to contain the spread of the disease.

Social and political gatherings were the main cause of the spread of COVID-19, read the letter. Asad Umar highlighted that people were not following SOPs issued by the NCOC to limit t;he spread of Covid-19 in the ceremonies.

The federal government took steps to stem the tide of coronavirus cases by imposing restrictions in the hotspot areas and issued multiple warnings for taking ‘tough decisions‘ in case of the pandemic situation worsens in the country.


Hafeez Shaikh removed from post due to rising inflation in country: Shibli

Senator Shibli Faraz
Senator Shibli Faraz said on Monday that former finance minister Hafeez Shaikh was removed from the post after Prime Minister Imran Khan was “unhappy with his performance due to rising inflation” in the country.

Speaking in the ARY News program the reporters, former information minister Shibli Faraz said that PM Khan was unsatisfied with the performance of the finance team over rising inflation in the country.

“PM Khan was unhappy due to inflation in the country and decided to bring in a new finance team,” he said, adding that the premier has expressed confidence over the performance of Hammad Azhar and appointed him new finance minister.

“Abdul Hafeez Shaikh’s future is unknown,” he added.

He further said that Prime Minister Imran Khan is likely to attend a federal cabinet meeting on Thursday as he will undergo a second coronavirus test on Tuesday.

The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government today removed Hafeez Shaikh as finance minister.

Sources privy to this development say Prime Minister Imran Khan will also reshuffle the portfolios of several other federal ministers in the coming days.

Hammad Azhar, who is currently serving as Federal Minister for Industries and Production, has been given an additional portfolio of the finance ministry.

Former information minister Shibli Faraz will be given the portfolio of the petroleum ministry, while the information ministry will be separated into two divisions, according to sources.

Adviser on Finance Abdul Hafeez Shaikh was made the finance minister back in December 2020.


Hafeez Shaikh removed as finance minister

Hafeez Shaikh
The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) led federal government on Monday removed Hafeez Shaikh as finance minister.

Sources privy to this development say Prime Minister Imran Khan will also reshuffle the portfolios of several other federal ministers in the coming days.

Hammad Azhar, who is currently serving as Federal Minister for Industries and Production, has been given an additional portfolio of finance.

 Former information minister Shibli Faraz is likely to be given the portfolio of the petroleum ministry, while the information ministry will be separated into two divisions, according to sources.

The government has also decided to appoint two state ministers for the information ministry.

Adviser on Finance Abdul Hafeez Shaikh was made the finance minister back in December 2020.

He was sworn in as the federal minister in the wake of the Islamabad High Court’s (IHC) December 7 ruling that held that unelected advisers and special assistants could not head government’s committees. The court had set aside a notification regarding the Cabinet Committee on Privatisation (CCoP) headed by Dr Shaikh.

Though mostly elected representatives i.e. members of the National Assembly or Senate can be appointed as federal ministers, a clause in the Constitution provides for a short-term appointment of non-elected ministers.

“A Minister who for any period of six consecutive months is not a member of the National Assembly shall, at the expiration of that period, cease to be a Minister and shall not before the dissolution of that Assembly be again appointed a Minister unless he is elected a member of that Assembly,” reads the clause nine of Article 91 of the Constitution.

The ruling party fielded Hafeez Shaikh from Islamabad for Senate seat but had suffered a setback when Dr. Abdul Hafeez Shaikh lost a seat to a joint candidate of the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM), former premier Yousuf Raza Gilani.

It is pertinent to mention here that the federal cabinet is expected to undergo a reshuffle in the ongoing week. According to sources, the premier after recovering from COVID-19 will reshuffle the cabinet on the basis of performance.

In December 2020, during the last reshuffle, PM Imran Khan changed the portfolios of cabinet members and appointed Sheikh Rasheed as the interior minister.


President Arif Alvi tests positive for coronavirus

President Arif Alvi
President Arif Alvi took to Twitter on Monday to announce he has tested positive for coronavirus.

The president announced on Twitter he tested positive for the virus after getting the first dose of the coronavirus vaccine, adding that he was due for a second one.

"I have tested positive for Covid-19. May Allah have mercy on all Covid affectees. Had 1st dose of vaccine، but antibodies start developing after 2nd dose that was due in a week. Please continue to be careful," he tweeted.


Punjab reports 2309 fresh corona cases, positivity ratio hikes up to 8 percent

Punjab reports 2309 fresh corona cases, positivity ratio hikes up to 8 percent
Punjab has new cases of COVID-19 and 17 deaths in last 24 hours, provincial health department said in a statement on Monday.

“In a day 17 more patients of the disease have died by coronavirus in the province,” Punjab’s Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department stated.

The tally of total deaths by Covid-19 in the province has reached to 6244, the health department stated.

“Lahore has reported 1478 new cases of the virus in a single day,” according to the health department.

In the third wave of Covid-19, steep surge of infections being reported in Pakistan’s largest province causing serious concerns across the country.

Test positivity ratio in 26 districts of the country, including 14 districts of Punjab, has reached to eight percent or above amid raging third wave of the coronavirus cases.

Keeping in view the surge in coronavirus cases in Punjab, the provincial government was considering imposing a complete lockdown in Lahore.

Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar will especially attend the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) meeting today, which will take final decision about the lockdown in Lahore.

Test positivity ratio of coronavirus in Lahore has reached to alarming 17 percent and 15 percent in Rawalpindi and Faisalabad.


Islamabad records 16.20 per cent Covid-19 positivity ratio

Islamabad records 16.20 per cent Covid-19 positivity ratio
Islamabad recorded 16.20 per cent Covid-19 positivity ratio during the previous 24 hours, its highest ever since the pandemic began, with 856 new infections.

According to the District Health Officer (DHO), 856 new cases of the coronavirus were reported, taking the total number of infections in the federal capital to 56,450 whereas two people succumbed to the disease overnight.
The death toll from the infection has reached 561 with the addition of the latest fatalities, Dr Zaeem Zia said.

He said 64 per cent of the total ventilators earmarked for critical Covid-19 patients are in use.

Earlier, the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) said the coronavirus claimed 41 more lives in Pakistan during the past 24 hours, taking the overall death toll to 14,256.

4,525 fresh infections were reported during this period, while the positivity rate was recorded at 11.2 per cent. A total of 40,369 samples were tested, out of which 4,525 turned out to positive.


Sunday, March 28, 2021

’50 billion trees’: Prince Salman discusses Green Initiative with Arab leaders

’50 billion trees’: Prince Salman discusses Green Initiative with Arab leaders
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman called the leaders of Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Iraq, and Sudan to discuss a massive regional tree-planting project, state news agency (SPA) reported early on Monday.

“The Middle East Green Initiative aims, in partnership with the countries of the region, to plant 50 billion trees as the largest reforestation program in the world,” SPA said.

The crown prince unveiled the ambitious campaign on Saturday that sees Saudi Arabia planting 10 billion trees in coming decades and working with other Arab states to plant another 40 billion trees, to reduce carbon emissions and combat pollution and land degradation.

SPA added that initiative also aims “to enhance the efficiency of oil production and increase the contribution of renewable energy, in addition to multiple efforts to preserve the marine and coastal environment, and increase the percentage of natural reserves.”

The Saudi Green Initiative is part of the prince’s Vision 2030 plan to reduce its reliance on oil revenues and improve quality of life.


Pakistan records 4,525 fresh corona infections within a Day

Pakistan records 4,525 fresh corona infections within a Day
Coronavirus has claimed 41 more lives in Pakistan during the past 24 hours, taking the overall death toll to 14,256, reported on Monday.

The latest statistics of the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) showed the COVID-19 has claimed 41 more lives and 4,525 fresh infections were reported during the period.

The total count of active cases is 46,663 and the positivity rate stands at 11.2 per cent.

A total of 40,369 tests were conducted across the country during this period. Since the detection of the first COVID-19 case in the country, overall 10,107,095 tests have been conducted so far.

3,055 patients are in critical condition across the country, whereas, 2,268 people recovered from the deadly disease during the last 24 hours. Overall 598,197 have regained their health from the COVID-19.


PM Imran Khan appeals to people to avoid gatherings amid third coronavirus wave

PM Imran Khan
Prime Minister Imran Khan has appealed to the people to avoid gatherings of any sort as the country grapples with an intensifying third wave of the coronavirus pandemic.

"I exercised precaution for a whole year. I never went to any wedding or even to a restaurant to eat. I practiced social distancing and kept my mask on for the most part," the premier said, as he began his video message.

"So I was safe. I was among those who remained safe in the first two waves, he said.

The premier said that in the Senate election, however, he "did not exercise as much caution and so caught the virus".

He said that today he cannot stress enough the need to exercise safety precautions.

"The third [wave] is much more intense than the first two. I advise you all to be extremely careful.

"The first thing you should do is wear a mask. It has been proven across the world that wearing a mask dramatically reduces the chances of you contracting coronavirus," explained PM Imran Khan.

He said secondly, it is important to understand that Pakistan "does not have the resources to go [under a complete lockdown] and feed people and take care of them".

"Even countries far better off than Pakistan do not have the resources to do such a thing," the prime minister added.

He acknowledged that ideally the country should shut down, but what we can do given the circumstances, is follow safety measures, like wearing a mask.

"Try your utmost [to do this religiously] and tell others too. Because I fear the third peak that is coming, will be worse than the first two peaks," he reiterated.

The premier said that "there is no telling where it is headed".

"Our hospitals are already full and continue to fill up. Especially, with the variant from UK that people have brought to Lahore, Islamabad and Peshawar, where we are witnessing a rapid rise in cases," he said, urging people to realise the gravity of the situation.

PM Imran Khan said more and more people are being put on ventilators and oxygen beds and called upon the nation to exercise the same level of caution that they did in the first wave.

"People cited our example throughout the world, saying we tackled the situation far better than most countries at that time," he remarked.

"I know it has been a year since and people no longer bother, but I will say this to you again: God forbid, if this continues to spread at the rate it is, all our hospitals will fill up entirely," the prime minister went on to say.

He said there is a worldwide shortage of vaccines and those promised to Pakistan have been delayed because there are shortages in the countries that manufacture them.

"So it is of paramount importance we follow [standard operating procedures]. Do not go to gatherings, such as weddings, restaurants, as these are places considered to be super spreaders," the premier said.

PM Imran Khan said that the people must understand that factories and businesses cannot be closed down and so they must, at an individual level, avoid all such activities that can lead to the spread of the virus.

"God has been merciful to me and my wife, but let me tell you, this is a disease that if it gets into your lungs, it is highly dangerous. So I plead to you, please, be careful," he concluded by saying.


Naya Pakistan Housing Scheme loans: PM Imran Khan instructs banks to simplify process

PM Imran Khan
Prime Minister Imran Khan on Sunday said that the government's Naya Pakistan Housing Scheme is "the most important project for the country's future" and instructed banks to make it easier for people to obtain loans.

The prime minister was addressing a live telethon on Pakistan Television Network for the scheme.

He said that although it is a regular practice in European countries, it is for the first time in Pakistan's history that salaried individuals are being given a chance to own a house.

The prime minister said he acknowledges that there have been difficulties for people seeking to obtain loans and instructed all banks to simplify the process.

PM Imran Khan said that once people start building homes, there will a boom in the construction industry which will bring about a revolutionary change in Pakistan.

He said that the construction of homes, besides revenue generation, will lead to job creation.

"Our country is in deep debt. We have to look for ways to add to our nation's wealth," the premier added.

Two days ago, PM Imran Khan decided to increase the scheme's loan limit by 100%.

The decision was announced by PTI Senator Faisal Javed Khan, who wrote on Twitter that the premier has not only decided to increase the loan limit for the scheme by 100% but the discounted markup rate has also been reduced to 3% and 5%.

Under the scheme, people will be able to purchase 5 and 10 marla houses, flats, and plots, while those who already own properties will be able to construct houses on those plots under the scheme, the premier's aide wrote.

He said that the loan limit has been increased to Rs10 million.

The senator said that PM Imran Khan is supervising the scheme himself.

"The realisation of dreams has begun; the distribution of houses has begun," the PTI Senator wrote, adding that people wouldn't be required to pay off huge loans anymore as they can become homeowners by paying off the loan in very small instalments.

"It's a revolutionary move. You can now own a home. Contact banks for further information regarding the loans," the PM's aide added, urging people to jump on the opportunity.

Back in October 2020, the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) announced that the government will be providing a facility for the construction and purchase of new houses to the people of Pakistan.

"This facility will allow all individuals, who will be constructing or buying a new house for the first time, to avail the bank’s financing at subsidised and affordable markup rates," a statement from the SBP said.

This facility will be provided with the administrative support of the State Bank of Pakistan as the executing partner of the Government of Pakistan and Naya Pakistan Housing and Development Authority (NAPHDA), the statement added.

More information about the Naya Pakistan Housing Scheme can be found here.


Maryam Nawaz, Fazlur Rehman suspend political activities after contracting fever

PML-N vice president Maryam Nawaz and Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam Fazl (JUI-F) chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman
PML-N vice president Maryam Nawaz and Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam Fazl (JUI-F) chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman were reportedly unwell on Sunday, with both catching a fever.

Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman has been suffering from a fever for the past two days," said JUI-F sources. "He is currently at his Dera Ismail Khan residence."

Sources said the JUI-F chief had gotten himself tested for coronavirus and the result came back negative.

"Maulana Fazlur Rehman has suspended political activities [for the time being] as he is unwell," said sources. "Doctors have advised him to rest."

On the other hand, PML-N leader Maryam Nawaz too has contracted "high fever" and is experiencing severe pain in her throat, said the party's spokesperson Marriyum Aurangzeb.

"Maryam Nawaz has suspended her political activities for four days," she said in a statement. "She has also gotten herself tested for coronavirus."

Later, it was reported that her test came back negative.

Aurangzeb said the PML-N leader has been told by doctors to rest, adding that she attended a Lahore High Court hearing the other day despite being sick.

The development takes place at a time when Pakistan is, yet again, experiencing a surge in the coronavirus cases as the third wave of the infection continues to grip the country.

On Sunday, Pakistan reported — for the third time in a row — over 4,000 coronavirus cases over the past 24 hours.

Pakistan tested 45,656 people in total for the infection on Saturday after which the discovery of news cases pushed the positivity ratio in the country to 10.4%.

Several areas of Pakistan have taken precautionary steps as the third wave of the virus continues to grip the country. Schools in Punjab, KP and some other cities remain closed till April 11 as the government attempts to stem the spread of the virus.

Last week, Prime Minister Imran Khan tested positive for coronavirus, a few days after he got the first dose of the coronavirus vaccine.

After receiving the jab, the prime minister had appealed to the people to continue exercising precaution in view of the third wave of the pandemic.

Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Political Communication Dr Shahbaz Gill had said the premier had a slight cough and fever.

He had prayed for the quick recovery of the premier and said updates on his health will be provided in future.


538 fresh COVID cases reported in last 24 hours

The federal capital continues to report a sharp increase in coronavirus cases, as 538 fresh COVID cases have been reported during the past 24 hours.

According to the District Health Officer (DHO), Dr Zaeem Zia, the positivity rate of COVID cases was recorded at 8.32 per cent.

The DHO said in statement 538 coronavirus cases were reported in 24 hours, whereas, the number of deaths reached up to 559 including two deaths in the past 24 hours.

A total of 55,594 cases were recorded in the federal capital so far and 56 ventilators are currently occupied by patients.

Overall, coronavirus has claimed 57 more lives in Pakistan during the past 24 hours, surging the overall death toll to 14,215.

The latest statistics of the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) showed the COVID-19 has claimed 57 more lives and 4,767 fresh infections were reported during the period.

The total count of active cases is 44,447 and the positivity rate stands at 10.44 per cent.


Nine people arrested in Punjab over flouting COVID-related SOPs

As many as nine people were arrested in Chihtian, a city in Punjab’s Bahawalpur district, over violation of coronavirus-related standard operating procedures (SOPS).

As per details, the cases were registered against shopkeepers for not wearing facemaks despite clear directions of the Punjab government after an alarming increase in the COVID cases.

The people were arrested under the Punjab Pandemic Control Act 2020. A large number of people are being seen violating the SOPs in the markets and other public places in Punjab.

Earlier in the day, a resident in Lahore was booked over neglecting SOPs.

A meeting held at Capital City Police Officer (CCPO) Office Lahore on Saturday, had decided to register cases against those who do not wear masks and ordered strict action against those who do not follow government guidelines. Ghulam Mahmood Dogar said that government guidelines should be implemented at any cost.

Commissioner Lahore had said that joint teams and control rooms have been set up, police and district administration should take joint action against violators of Coronavirus SOPs.


NCOC banned country wide indoor & outdoor gatherings

NCOC meeting
Amid rising number of Covid-19 cases, the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) banned on Sunday all kind of gatherings, including indoor and outdoor, across the country.

A special session of the NCOC with Planning and Development Minister Asad Umar in the chair took stock of the Covid-19 situation. It ordered that “all kind of gatherings (indoor / outdoor) will be banned with immediate effect.”

“This will include all social, cultural, political, sports and other events,” the NCOC cleared.

It further ordered that there will be a complete ban on marriage ceremonies, including indoor and outdoor, from 5th April onward. However, the provinces will be at liberty to implement restrictions as per the situation on ground.

The NCOC said these decisions will be implemented in districts and cities with 8 % positivity percentage (three days rolling average). It will provide “updated hotspot maps” to the provinces for the enforcement of expanded lockdowns with effect from March 29.


PML-N Vice President Maryam Nawaz tested negative for COVID-19

Maryam Nawaz
Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) Vice President Maryam Nawaz has tested negative for the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

PML-N MPA Hina Parvez Butt confirmed in a Twitter statement that deposed prime minister Nawaz Sharif’s daughter’s Covid-19 test was declared negative. Perhaps, Maryam is suffering from some infection, for which she is getting treatment, she said.

Earlier today, PML-N spokesperson Marriyum Aurangzeb said that the party vice president has a high fever and throat pain. The leader has taken a Covid-19 test, the result of which is awaited, the spokesperson added.

She said Maryam’s political activities have been cancelled for the next four days.

Maryam had appeared before the Lahore High Court (LHC) bench on Wednesday for the hearing of her bail petition in an illegal land acquisition case. She was granted bail and asked to appear before the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) investigation officer.


Friday, March 26, 2021

Pakistan records 4,468 fresh corona cases, 67 deaths in last 24 hrs

Pakistan records 4,468 fresh corona cases, 67 deaths in last 24 hrs
Coronavirus has claimed 67 more lives in Pakistan during the past 24 hours, taking the overall death toll to 14,158, reported on Saturday.

The latest statistics of the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) showed the COVID-19 has claimed 67 more lives and 4,468 fresh infections were reported during the period.
The total count of active cases is 42,384 and the positivity rate stands at 10.09 per cent.

A total of 44,279 tests were conducted across the country during this period. Since the detection of the first COVID-19 case in the country, overall 10,021,070 tests have been conducted so far.

2,842 patients are in critical condition across the country, whereas, 2,137 people recovered from the deadly disease during the last 24 hours. Overall 593,282 have regained their health from the COVID-19.


NCOC asks provinces to strictly enforce Covid SOPs

NCOC asks provinces to strictly enforce Covid SOPs
Expressing concerns over the recent spike in COVID-19 cases across the country, National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) on Friday asked the provinces to take stern action against those flouting COVID-19 related standard operating procedures (SOPs).

According to the details, a meeting of the NCOC was held with Federal Minister for Planning and Development Asad Umar in the chair in Islamabad to discuss the overall COVID-19 situation in the country.

The participants expressed displeasure over violation of COVID-19 SOPs in public places, marriage ceremonies, restaurants and in the transport sector across the country. The NCOC asked the provinces to take strict measures to stem the spread of COVID-19.

The meeting was informed that the registration of people above 50 years of age for COVID-19 vaccination will begin from 30th of March.

Earlier today, coronavirus had claimed 63 more lives in Pakistan during the past 24 hours, taking the overall death toll to 14,091.

The latest statistics of the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) showed the COVID-19 had claimed 63 more lives and 4,368 fresh infections were reported during the period. The total count of active cases was 40,120 and the positivity rate stood at 10.29 per cent.

A total of 42,418 tests had been conducted across the country during this period. Since the detection of the first COVID-19 case in the country, overall 9,976,791 tests had been conducted so far.


Nadeem Babar has been asked by PM Imran Khan to step down amid probe into petrol crisis: Asad

Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Petroleum Nadeem Babar
Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Petroleum Nadeem Babar has been asked by Prime Minister Imran Khan to step down from his role as recommendations by a committee probing the petrol crisis are put into effect.

The decision was announced by Minister for Planning, Development and Special Initiatives Asad Umar in a press conference on Friday to discuss findings by the Federal Investigation Agency in a probe ordered by the premier to ascertain the reasons behind petroleum shortages in the country.

"Secretary for Petroleum Division (Mian Asad Hayauddin) will also be asked to report to the Establishment Division once his replacement is finalised," Umar added.

Umar warned against speculation and clarified that the decision in no way means that the two individuals have been found to have engaged in any wrongdoing.

"The prime minister has decided that the entire chain (responsible for the crisis) has to be investigated [...] this decision was made so that no doubt remains of any one person's possible involvement," the minister said.

Umar, in his detailed media briefing also went over the final recommendations made by the cabinet committee probing the matter.

The committee is comprised of Umar himself, along with federal ministers Shafqat Mehmood, Azam Swati and Shireen Mazari.

"We forwarded our recommendations to the prime minister, after which he asked for some additional information. When some more information came to the fore, we were given the go ahead to share our recommendations," said the minister.

He said these recommendations have been divided into three categories.

In the first category, criminal acts have been detailed for which the committee seeks to register criminal cases.

"The evidence to be formulated in a way that charges can be brought. FIA has been told to do a forensic audit so that within 90 days prosecution efforts can begin," Umar said.

The following are the areas that FIA has been tasked to investigate:

- Was the legal requirement for a minimum inventory fulfilled by the oil companies?

- Were the sales figures that were reported actual numbers or was there a discrepancy between what was reported on paper and what was actual? Who reported these?

- Was the product hoarded? If so, then who was responsible?

"These are all those things which in the report are prima facie [...] it was determined that these did occur. So I am just saying that the evidence has to be given such a shape that it is prosecutable in court," explained Umar.

He also spoke of certain deficiencies in the system, which also saw legal violations, for example undue advantage taken of a temporary marketing licences, illegal hospitality agreements for where the product will be kept, and the product's sales at illegal outlets.

The minister also spoke of a key allegation in the report regarding delayed berthing of an oil ship so that when new rates are notified, the product can be sold at a higher rate. "A forensic investigation and pinpointing in this also needs to be done to ascertain who was responsible," Umar said.

He said illegal sales will also be covered in the forensic audit.

"Action will not only be limited to fines. [We will ensure] people are handcuffed and sent to jail."

The minister further said that although oil retail companies and fuel stations will be probed in the forensic audit, it must also investigate which government officials facilitated such criminal acts.

"The Petroleum Division will be investigated, as well as OGRA (Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority), Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Port Authority," for all the illegal, aforementioned acts, said Umar.

He said the other part of the recommendations are administrative actions.

"Some people sitting in administrative roles were said to not be skilled enough to sit in these positions. The Petroleum Division has been asked to look into this and report to the prime minister as soon as possible," he said.

Umar said that the system under which the petrol sector operates has two key players: the Petroleum Division representing the executive branch and OGRA, which is the regulator.

He said the legal provisions which have been drawn up for these to operate under have fallen under scrutiny after the petroleum crisis.

"What is the responsibility of OGRA, the regulator and what is the responsibility of the Petroleum Division?" Umar asked figuratively, before adding: "A law will be made which will make these roles clear, so no ambiguity remains."

He said whenever issues were brought up before the cabinet committee, the lack of clarity of the roles of the two players in the sector, was always a matter of debate.

"OGRA would say so and so is Petroleum Division's responsibility and the Petroleum Division would say the same for OGRA, each citing different clauses of the law," Umar said.

He said the law was also found to be very weak in punitive actions. "So the law will be revisited and the punishments will be made proportionate to the crime committed."

Umar said overall improvements in the Petroleum Division which must be made have also been identified and will be sent to them for them to make an action plan.

The plan will be shared with the Cabinet Committee on Energy and then with the Cabinet for approval.

The minister said that "now the time has come for punishments" and the prime minister has made absolutely clear that this "mafia" and others that have operating for decades under the "leadership of past rulers", "will not be spared".


Four killed in Bangladesh as protesters, police clash during visit by Indian PM Narendra Modi

Four killed in Bangladesh as protesters
Four people were killed in the Bangladeshi city of Chittagong on Friday after police resorted to firing upon a large number of protesters who had gathered to demonstrate against a visit to the country by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Police claimed that the group of protesters had attacked a police station in the city.

Dozens were also hurt in the capital Dhaka where police used rubber bullets and teargas in clashes with violent protesters, witnesses said.

In Chittagong, thousands of supporters of a religious group that accuses Modi of alienating minority Muslims in India streamed out of mosques after prayers to register their protest against his visit, police official Rafiqul Islam said.

"We had to fire teargas and rubber bullets to disperse them as they entered a police station and carried out extensive vandalism," he told Reuters, referring to protesters.

He made no mention of police using live rounds. Another police official, Mohammad Alauddin, said a Chittagong hospital had received eight people with gunshot wounds, adding: "Among them four succumbed to their injuries."

He identified the dead as three students and a tailor.

Modi landed in Dhaka on Friday for a two-day visit to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Bangladesh's independence.

After being received by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Modi met opposition and government leaders.

Hundreds of protesters then clashed with police near a large mosque in Dhaka, witness Jahangir Alam said. He said dozens were hurt when police fired rubber bullets and teargas after protesters pelted them with stones and set ablaze motorcycles.

Social media network Facebook and its Messenger app, which are often used to organise protests in the country, appeared to be down in some parts of Bangladesh.

An official from Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission declined to comment. A Facebook representative did not immediately respond to questions from Reuters.


Gillani appointed Opposition Leader in Senate

Gillani appointed Opposition Leader in Senate
Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) candidate Yousaf Raza Gillani has been appointed as Opposition Leader in Senate, reported on Friday.

The Senate Secretariat has issued notification of Gillani’s appointment as Senate Opposition Leader.

Earlier in the day, Yousaf Raza Gillani along with the PPP leaders Rubina Khalid and Sherry Rehman had filed the application along with the signatures of a majority of the house members. The Pakistan People’s Party claimed to gain the support of four independent senators, namely Senator, Ahmed Khan, Senator Kehda Babar, Senator Naseebullah Bazai and Senator Dilawar Khan.

On the other hand, the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz had also claimed to have the support of 26 members for its candidate Azam Nazir Tarar.

It is to be noted that the Pakistan Democratic Alliance (PDM) had announced to support PML-N candidate Azam Nazir Tarar for the Opposition Leader in Senate slot, while the Pakistan People’s Party had fielded its candidate Yousuf Raza Gilani for the slot.


Muhammad Ali Sadpara park opens in Karachi

Muhammad Ali Sadpara park opens in Karachi
Sindh government spokesperson Murtaza Wahab Siddiqui inaugurated on Friday Mohammad Ali Sadpara park in Karachi’s Gilgit colony.

Taking to Twitter, he said: “Inaugurated the Moh[amma]d Ali Sadpara Park along with children of the community in Gilgit Colony, Korangi. The development work was conceived by Architect Ali Naqvi & sponsored by KE while the infrastructure & sewerage work was carried out by DMC Korangi. Good work by everyone.
The spokesperson also posted pictures of the park to his Twitter handle.


Muhammad Ali Sadpara, John Snorri from Iceland and Jaun Pablo Mohr from Chile were on the mission to scale K2 in winter but lost contact after they started their push for the K2 summit from camp 3 in the first week of February.


Thursday, March 25, 2021

Pakistan records 4,368 fresh corona infections, positivity rate stands up 10.29 per cent

Pakistan records 4,368 fresh corona infections, positivity rate stands up 10.29 per cent
Coronavirus has claimed 63 more lives in Pakistan during the past 24 hours, taking the overall death toll to 14,091, reported on Friday.

The latest statistics of the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) showed the COVID-19 has claimed 63 more lives and 4,368 fresh infections were reported during the period.
The total count of active cases is 40,120 and the positivity rate stands at 10.29 per cent.

A total of 42,418 tests were conducted across the country during this period. Since the detection of the first COVID-19 case in the country, overall 9,976,791 tests have been conducted so far.

2,758 patients are in critical condition across the country, whereas, 2,170 people recovered from the deadly disease during the last 24 hours. Overall 591,145 have regained their health from the COVID-19.
